Composer Hauschild


KASTELEWICZ music in progress presents composers and documents as well as catalogs their works. The agency creates music notation and editions.

The Composer Kurt Hauschild

“Can you find a math lecture enjoyable if you don’t know anything about math?
I think so. Because a dignified-looking and well-lectured professor spreads an aura of sublime spirituality, which does not fail to make its impression on the layman either and makes the lecture an experience for him. A large part of the people enjoy music in just this way, without understanding anything about it.
Just as one has the right profit from a mathematics lecture only if one can also follow the explanations mathematically, one has, I think, the right profit from music only if one understands it.” [1]

This is how Kurt Hauschild begins his remarks on his understanding of music. They show his strong connection to mathematics and the rational.

Dr. rer. nat. habil. Kurt Hauschild was a mathematician by profession, but his main interest throughout his life was music.

[1] From Kurt Hauschild “Über Musikverständnis”, p. 1, copy in private possession


The extensively annotated catalog of Kurt Hauschild’s works (110 pages), compiled by A.B.Kastelewicz, with a curriculum vitae, includes chamber music (strings, piano, voice) and solo works:

1 quintet

14 quartets

1 trio

7 duets

54 piano works

6 songs

4 ballads

1 work in preparation

In total 88 works.

The individual works are numbered with the designation KHV.

The list can be ordered from the agency.

The String Quartet No. 8, KHV No. 2.9, is also called “Jan Palach”. It was composed by Kurt Hauschild after the suppression of the Prague Spring and the self-immolation (1968) of the student Jan Palach and edited by A.B.Kastelewicz. The edition can be ordered from the agency.